Auto Loan Calculator

The auto loan calculator determines the monthly payments and total car loan cost based on the auto price, term, and interest rate.

 Include All Fees in Loan
Monthly Pay:  
Auto Price:
Down Payment:
Trade-in Value:
Sales Tax:
Total Loan Amount:
Interest Paid:
Loan + Interest:
Total Loan Cost
(price + interest + tax):
Estimated Payoff Date:

How Does the Auto Loan Calculator Work?

  1. Input the car or auto price that you are planning to purchase.
  2. Enter the loan term (in months or years) and annual interest rate (in percentage).
  3. You can also enter the down payment, trade-in value, and sales tax if needed. In addition, you can check the checkbox if you want to include all fees in the loan calculation.
  4. At last, press the 'Calculate' button to generate the results. The tool will display the estimated monthly payment, total loan amount, interest paid, auto loan cost, and other required results.
  5. For new loan calculations, press the 'Reset' button.
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